As nice as it is to come home for Christmas break and get away from all of the stress and insanity that comes with the hell that is finals, I forgot how stressful being at home can be. I don't think our family can survive within the same living space for more than 48 hours without getting into some stupid argument about nothing important. Take four of the most stubborn people in the world and put them in one location. This is my family. I mean, I love 'em but....there's only a certain amount of time I can take in this place before feeling like I need to get the hell out of the house. And I mean when I'm in the house, it's not like I'm ever doing anything useful anyways. I've gotten through 2 full seasons of Greek already this break....I mean, it's been nice getting to see some old faces from high school, but I don't feel as connected to them as I do my friends in Austin...that's to be expected though with the lack of contact over the last two years though...It's funny. I wasn't really the whole "you make your best friends in college" cliche to actually be true, but oddly enough, it is. Maybe it's the fact that I've been making most of my friends through the UCC rather than other clubs and organizations, but the people I've met over the past two years are some of the best people I've ever known. A lot of them rather crazy in their own way, but crazy awesome all the same. And I love them. =) Shoot, I found five future roommates there haha. The UCC is pretty much my home in ATX. And really, all of those people are family to me. Not like family, but are family. Like when I'm there I don't miss home home because I feel so at home there. That's kinda sad though isn't it? I wish I had the same closeness with my family as I do with my close friends. I guess I've always had a hard time opening up to them. I've never been one to talk about my feelings to well...really anyone haha. So that's why I'm writing them in a public online blog that just about anyone can see. xp Kinda sad/ironic that we're arguing so much during the week of the holy family. Probably something to pray about huh? Speaking of prayer. It's an area I really need to get back in the swing of things in. It's always been an up and down thing, my prayer life. And I need to make it more than just a designated before bed/when I wake up thing, but rather a constant thing throughout the day. And goodness I need to go to confession. It's been since like September, and ha sometimes I just feel gross inside. Plus it just feels refreshing and awesome once you actually go through with it. Dunno why I always put it off. But anywho, it's seven till midnight and I really just feel like crashing on my bed, praying, then sleeping on my thoughts and going from there. And getting on a somewhat normal sleep schedule couldn't hurt things... =p
If anyone actually read this, I know it really didn't go anywhere or really have a point, but it was more for my benefit. Just random thoughts from my weird spastic mind.
-Appletree out