This'll mostly be for me to ramble/put down what's running through my mind/have conversations with myself. It's kinda therapeutic, and I actually kinda miss it haha.
So, let's start off with today's occurrences...
Bombed another BME quiz, finished another set of diff eq homework problems I didn't understand, and actually went through a physics class without falling asleep. O.o
After class, took a small nap...planned on doing some hw, but instead got on the piano/played some guitar/read for life group.
The meeting tonight made me think a lot about my direction with school and life in general. How I need to change my approach to school work and be firm with myself about that. And it got me thinking that I need to think about what I'm going to do once I finish school. I mean I know I have a few years to figure that out, but it's kind of ridiculous how quickly the past year and a half have gone by. I don't wanna grow up... =( But I need to at the same time. At least in some aspects of my life. Soon enough I'll be looking for jobs and what have you. Eek. But let's not think about that now... =p
Oh, had dinner with the fam at Magnolia Cafe earlier. Twas awesomeness. Great seeing them again. And now I have food again in the dorm! =) Regina in a week, bro's b-day 3 days after, then he's coming down here for the Kansas game the week after. Lots to look forward to, but I have to make sure to keep school prioritized at the same time.
And just a bit of advice from my experiences. Look around and take notice of what surrounds you. Appreciate it. The smallest things can make a crappy day turn around.
And listening to fun/upbeat/happy music on the way to class can usually put a smile on my face no matter how tired I am, so you should try it. =)