life lately. Well the first couple of weeks back I spent a lot of time missing Austin and especially the people there (most of whom actually aren't there atm) which kinda put me in a little slump. I mean, it's not that I was depressed or anything, I just got rather lazy and this began to translate over into my spiritual life. This spiritual slump is something I went through last summer which was rather sad as I had ended the year on a pretty high note. And I don't want that to happen again, so I've decided to fix that.
How am I going about this you ask? Well to start off, I've started saying this St. Jude (becamse I myself am a lost cause =) )novena that I got from Keith E. as a gift the past awakening. It's been really nice and making myself start and end each day with prayer has just been awesome. I've always struggled with starting the day off with prayer, and you really notice a difference when you do and when you don't. So even when this novena is over, I'm going to make a conscious effort to start off each day with some sort of prayer.
Another awesome thing that's just come up recently that will definitely help in my spiritual life is that I've been asked by my old youth minister, Doug Weisbruch, to help out with the high school youth group at our church over the summer. Seriously, what better opportunity to not only strengthen my faith life, but to help others grow in theirs at the same time? Also, I'm going to be helping out with the guys' bible study (they separated genders since they'll have different topics) which should be really good as I've been slacking quite a bit in the bible reading department since starting college.
As the summer progresses, I'm hoping to build on this and maybe return to school having had grown deeper in faith as opposed to having fallen back a bit? That'd be nice haha.
Hmm this is a bit shorter than I thought it'd be. I started this like 3-4 hours ago, but got distracted by YouTube. Again. Namely live Glee videos. =D
On second glance, this really isn't that short haha. Yay! =p
And it's almost 5 am. Eek!