Sunday, April 11, 2010

Thoughts meander like a restless wind inside a letter box...

So, I'm sitting here listening to Owl City since it's usually my pick-me-up music, but instead, it just sent my mind on a wild rampage of thinking haha. *sigh* I wish I could just stop over-analyzing everything. It's an annoying problem of mine. I mean really, it's dumb and causes unnecessary stress and anxiety haha. (Ok, switching from OC to angsty/ventable N2N(actually, that's not helping either...))

*twenty minutes later*

So I was unable to vent on the piano(my preferred choice) because my roomie and his girlfriend are currently asleep, so...I decided to turn off my music...and just pray. Offer it all up. And what do you know? It helped! haha who'da thunk it? But really. My head's rather shut up at the moment. It's nice. =)

And since I did title this blog with lyrics from The Beatles...

I find myself in times of trouble...Mother Mary comes to me.
Speaking words of wisdom...Let It Be.

^^That is something I need to work on.

**Thoughts 12 hours later**

I'm silly. That is all.

**back to life**

1 comment:

  1. I love:
    -Mama Mary
    -Angsty N2N music
    -the Litany of Humility
    -Justin Alfeche
