Wednesday, April 20, 2011


You ever feel like everything decides to pile on top of you at the same time? One thing happens, then things start to get better with that...and then you get completely blindsided.

I've never made it a secret about how abysmal my GPA is. I guess I never realized just how bad it was until yesterday. I met with my advisor because some classes I needed for next semester required me to be on a major track sequence. To apply for that, you need at least a 2.5 in the basic track sequence classes that fit in that category. As of now, I have a 2.36 with those classes, but a 2.45 overall. I met with an advisor because I was worried that I wouldn't be able to get into those classes. Of course, she told me things didn't look too good because with the classes I was taking this semester that applied to my basic sequence, even if I did get A's in both of them (4 hours worth), it wouldn't be enough to bring my GPA up to a 2.5. So she told me to write a letter or statement to this advisory board stating my case and why I should be allowed to continue in BME. So I did that and hoped for the best.

This morning, I was supposed to register for classes. I gave the unique numbers for the classes I wanted to take to my advisor during the visit because she said she could temporarily put me in the classes till the advisory board came up with something. I could only register for one of the summer classes I needed because I could only register for my non-bme classes. I emailed the advisor asking if any news had come up, and she told me to check my email later this afternoon because she had found out some more stuff. So I go about my day thinking things will be ok and not to worry too much.

I've been constantly checking my email today anxious to hear back, and after a few messages that weren't too important, the one I've waited for comes in.


The BME Undergraduate Office requires that students maintain a
minimum 2.5 GPA in order to progress. Because you have not maintained
this requirement, you can no longer remain in the BME department; you
will be placed in Engineering Undeclared. You must setup an advising
appointment immediately with an Advisor in the Cockrell School of
Engineering, Student Affairs Office located at ECJ 2.200 to discuss
your situation futher. If you have further questions please contact
the BME Advising Office.

I couldn't really wrap my head around what that meant. So I go and look up more things on the engineering website.

Dismissed students will have their major changed to Engineering Undeclared and will no longer be eligible to pursue an engineering degree at The University of Texas at Austin.


So I call the office place and of course they close at 5, so I left a message and will be following that up tomorrow.

Basically, I'm kind of freaking out right now. I don't quite know what to do. I registered for some classes that I can retake to bolster my basic sequence GPA, but that would put me back a year probably. What will I do next year? Take those classes in the fall...but what about the spring? All of the fall classes are pre-requistes for those classes. Maybe I can work during the spring? I can't just leave my 5 roommates for a semester. I don't know what to do right now. What about my parents when the find out? If I have to take an extra semester, that's so much of a financial burden on them. Me taking five years of BME was already so much extra financially.

So I'm really hoping that I can work things out.

And I could really use prayers right now. And I'm looking at you St. Thomas of Aquinas.

Anyways. Yeah.

I don't know what else to say right now.


Friday, April 15, 2011

Let the Waters Rise

"The Lord is my strength and my shield in whom my heart trusted and found help. So my heart rejoices; with my song I praise my God."-Psalm 28:7

I found this verse during Discipleship Week after my sophomore year in high school and kind of fell in love with it. It's been my favorite verse ever since then, and I actually found a shirt one day in a German restaurant in New Braunfels that had it on it which I still wear every now and then.

Lately I've been finding myself looking to God for help in my life. Life's kind of been crazy. It's been bigger...bigger than you. And you are not me. Whoops, song tangent, sorry.

Getting back on track, I've found myself taking on things that I know are bigger than me. And I know this. I'm weak. I'm human. I can't fix everything on my own. So lately, I've been turning towards God a lot for the strength to be strong for those I love. And when I started doing so, things started looking better. Then all of a sudden, I guess God decided I needed to take a step back in my life to reevaluate where I currently am. I feel really weighed down at the moment, but I know that it is in this state of heaviness, of feeling weak, that I need to rely on God even more. I know this is going to be hard, but I know that if I allow myself to trust blindly in Him and in His plans, then everything will work out as it should in the end.

Plus, I have some pretty awesome friends around me. I'm blessed to have the people in my life that I do, so I hope I didn't give off the impression that I'm wallowing in self-pity. This is going to be a rather rough patch in my life, but maybe out of it even greater things will come.

And hey, with holy week coming up, what better time to die to oneself? As St. Francis said, "It is in dying that we are born to eternal life."

Dear Lord,
Everything that is weighing on my heart, I lay it down before You.
I trust in You. Keep me attentive to Your voice, so I may discover what it is You want of me.
I know You only want what is best for me. In my vulnerability, help me to attach myself more deeply to You. I love You, Lord. I know that You love me infinitely more.
I ask that You send the gifts of fortitude and understanding to me through Your Holy Spirit. I know that I will need those especially as this new segment of my life starts.
Wherever You lead me, even if it's not in the direction that I currently desire, I know it will be what will bring the most joy to my life.

Thank You so much for everything and everyone that has been part of my life so far. I'm scared, but I am kind of excited to see where things will go from here.