Wednesday, October 6, 2010

To Have and to Hold...

In the light of things that have occurred over the past few weeks, I've decided that I'm going to start praying not just for my future spouse (if I end up being called to that vocation), but the future spouses of all of you. I love you guys so freaking much. And you all deserve someone amazing/that is worthy of being your spouse. So.

Dear Lord,
Please watch over those people in the world that you have called to be the future spouses of the people in my life. Keep them pure, holy, and chaste. Regardless of whether or not they are in their lives already, form them, keep their hearts close to Yours, so that one day, when the time is right, they can be the people that journey, side by side with these people that are so close to my heart, towards You and heaven.


  1. Justin, you are so sweet and awesome. Just-in case you didn't know. :)

  2. You are pretty amazing and your future wife is pretty lucky... (even/especially if she is the Church... just sayin'!) Thanks for everything the past few weeks Justin! I'm glad we're best friends :)

  3. that's so awesome thank you!! i will be praying for you too. your future wife is soooo lucky :) love you bestie!

    ps is this title a shout out to matty nathanson's "wedding dress"?! lol

  4. you should post an update soon, it seems like a lot has happened in your life since october 6th ;)

  5. ahh
    miss talking to you and such.
