Wednesday, September 8, 2010

So basically...

I've had a lot of things on my mind lately. Thinking a lot about stuff that's happened in just the past year. Evaluating certain situations, deciding on what to do about something, then two minutes later changing my mind. It's crazy what all can happen in the time span of a year. How do you even begin to measure it? Tell me Rent. So much ridiculousness has happened the past two semesters, and this upcoming one doesn't look like it will be letting up any...Of course, with all the craziness/stress, there have been oh so many great times, and I am quite excited about what is coming up this year...I dunno. A small part of me just wishes I could just say everything that's been on my mind lately...but to do that now would just be selfish of me. And of no help to anyone. But maybe one day. Because I feel like I do owe some of you that...eventually.

And I'm tired and don't really know what I just wrote, but whatevs.

Oh hey emo/angsty-ness. I'll try and make the next post not so much of a downer to balance out this one haha.


  1. If I could write a blog entry right now, it would probably be this exact same thing. Also, I love you.

  2. i appreciate your angsty-ness and all of the things you wish you could say but you cant. much loves apples! i know where you're coming from. i think the gospel today was a really good reminder for us all:

    "love your enemies. do good to those who hate you. bless those who curse you. pray for those who mistreat you." --luke 6:27-28

  3. I don't think I ever tell you both enough how much I love you guys. Or will ever be able to. But I'm so thankful to have y'all in my life. =)

    And the readings today were perfect. It was like a shout out from God haha.

  4. THEY WERE oh my goodness! Being the one reading them kind of added a new dimension, too! Oh Thursday, what an interesting day.

    And I love you too Justin! So, so much.
